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Is Your Indoor Plant Sick? Learn How to Identify and Cure Common Houseplant Diseases

Written by
Amy Earley

We’ve all been thereyou bring a new plant home with dreams of a lush green oasis, only to find it… well, looking a little sad and sorry for itself! 

Just like us, plants can fall victim to various diseases that can hinder their growth and overall well-being. So, if you’ve found yourself wailing “What’s wrong with my plant?!” or “Help me diagnose my plant problem!”read on. 

With a little knowledge and understanding, you’ll soon be able to identify and cure some of the most common house plant diseases. Say goodbye to wretched, dying houseplants and hello to a thriving indoor jungle!


Diagnosing Houseplant Diseases

Before jumping into remedies, it’s important to master those house plant disease identification skills.  

Recognising any signs your plant is distressed is the first step to nursing it back to good health. Common signs of indoor plant diseases include: 

Yellowing Leaves. Yellow leaves are like a plant's way of waving a red flag, signalling that something isn't quite right. Causes may include overwatering, underwatering, too little light, nutrient deficiencies, or pests. If it’s just one or two leaves, don’t worry too much, but if it’s more widespread you’ll want to investigate.

Brown Leaf Tips. Inconsistent watering, over-fertilising, and low humidity can all potentially cause houseplant leaf problems, often making the tips go brown.

Brown Spots. Brown spots can be a result of fungal or bacterial infections, too much direct sunlight, or even water droplets on the leaves magnifying the sunlight.

Wilting Leaves. Wilting is a clear indication that your plant is thirsty, right? Not necessarily. While underwatering is a common culprit, overwatering can lead to root rot, causing the plant to wilt as well. Poorly draining soil, heat stress, or lack of humidity may also be the problem. 

Presence of Webbing, Discoloured Spots, or Tiny Crawlers on Leaves. The presence of these on your leaves could be a sign of pest disease. 


Causes and Solutions for Abiotic Diseases

Now that we’ve identified some common symptoms, let’s explore the causes and solutions on how to treat abiotic disease in indoor plants. 

Firstly, if you’re wondering what an ‘abiotic’ disease is - this refers to a non-infectious plant disease caused by non-living factors such as water, soil, air, sunlight, temperature, chemicals, or mechanical damage.

Our tips on how to fix abiotic plants diseases include:

Overwatering and Root Rot. Perhaps the most common woe among houseplants, overwatering can drown the roots, leading to a condition known as root rot. To tackle this, adjust your watering schedule and ensure proper drainage for your plant. Repotting in well-draining soil can also work wonders.

Underwatering. On the flip side, underwatering can leave your plant dehydrated and stressed. Be mindful of your plant's water needs, checking the soil regularly. Invest in a moisture metre if you're unsure, and modify your watering routine accordingly.

Nutrient Deficiencies. If your plant is looking a bit pale or showing signs of stunted growth, it might be craving more nutrients. Ensure you are regularly fertilising your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser, following the recommended dosage. Remember, moderation is keyover-fertilising can lead to its own set of issues.

Sufficient Sunlight. Ensure your plant is adequately positioned to receive the right amount of light recommended for the species.  

Biotic plant diseases, caused by living organisms like insects, mites, and fungus, also have the potential to wreak havoc on your indoor oasis. Inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests like spider mites, aphids or mealy bugs. Natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap can help keep these unwanted guests at bay.


Practical Solutions, Treatments, and Prevention

The good news is, you can prevent indoor plant problems and (find) solutions – here’s how. 

Prune and Remove Affected Parts. Be like a surgeon and prune away the affected leaves or branches to stop the disease from spreading. Be sure to use clean, sharp scissors to avoid further stress on the plant.

Quarantine and Isolate. If you’re wondering how to cure a sick plant that’s been infested by pestsit’s important to act quickly by isolating it from other plants. This prevents the infection from spreading and gives you better control over the treatment process.

Natural Remedies. Harness the power of nature to combat common plant diseases. Neem oil, a natural pesticide, can be effective against pests, while a mixture of baking soda and water can help control fungal infections. Research plant-specific remedies to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Enhance Air Circulation. Improve the air circulation around your plants by strategically placing them or using a fan. Adequate airflow helps prevent the build-up of humidity, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

Proper Watering. Adopt a watering routine that suits your plant's specific needs. Consider factors like humidity, temperature, and the type of plant when determining how much and how often to water. Always use well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogged conditions. 

Balanced Nutrition. Feed your plants a balanced diet by using a nourishing, natural fertiliser. Pay attention to the specific nutrient requirements of your plant species and adjust your fertilisation schedule appropriately.

Regular Inspections. Make plant check-ups a part of your routine. Regularly inspect your indoor jungle for any signs of disease or pests. Early detection allows for swift intervention and better chances of recovery.


Secure Top-Quality Plant Care Products at the Indoor Plant Co.

By understanding the causes behind common houseplant diseases, and learning how to diagnose plant problems, you'll be better equipped to provide the care your leafy companions require. 

Luckily, at the Indoor Plant Co, quality plant care is our specialty, with our range of products designed to help you give your indoor plants the TLC they need to prevent disease and thrive! 

If you’re wondering how to tell what's wrong with your plant, we’re here to help. Reach out to our expert team today and let’s get you nurturing a natural indoor plant environment that will be the envy of green thumbs everywhere.

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